Friday, December 27, 2019

Prescription Drug Abuse A Grave Epidemic - 917 Words

PRESCRIPTION DRUG ABUSE: A GRAVE EPIDEMIC James Fey East Tennessee State University Appalachia is a cultural, highland region of the southeastern US, containing the Appalachian Mountains, extending from Alabama up to Pennsylvania (CDC, 2010). Given its hallmark high poverty, low educational attainment and geographic isolation, the Appalachian region is a vulnerable priority population at a heightened risk for prescription drug abuse (CDC, 2010). As previously alluded to, the burden of opioid abuse and overdose deaths is substantially higher in Appalachia than other areas of the U.S. Since 1996, an increasing number of programs have provided the opioid antagonist naloxone hydrochloride, the method of choice to reverse the potentially fatal respiratory depression caused by overdose of heroin and other opioids (CDC, 2010). Community coalitions, law enforcement, concerned friends, families and good Samaritans alike have each asserted that naloxone’s virtually untapped potential to save lives is enormous. Adding further standing, naloxone is on the World Health Or ganization’s (WHO) model list of essential medicines and is described as, a safe drug with a low risk of serious side effects and that any adult capable of learning basic life support can also learn to recognize an opioid overdose, and administer naloxone in time to save lives. Another benefit is that naloxone is extremely cheap; available at less than $2 a dose in many countries Conversely, access toShow MoreRelatedCritical Issues Of School Counseling Essay1576 Words   |  7 PagesCritical Issues in School Counseling: Drugs in Schools Drugs within schools have been and continue to be a prevalent problem in our school systems; it is a problem that affects all ethnicities and social economic statuses, making this a significant issue. 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