Friday, December 27, 2019

Prescription Drug Abuse A Grave Epidemic - 917 Words

PRESCRIPTION DRUG ABUSE: A GRAVE EPIDEMIC James Fey East Tennessee State University Appalachia is a cultural, highland region of the southeastern US, containing the Appalachian Mountains, extending from Alabama up to Pennsylvania (CDC, 2010). Given its hallmark high poverty, low educational attainment and geographic isolation, the Appalachian region is a vulnerable priority population at a heightened risk for prescription drug abuse (CDC, 2010). As previously alluded to, the burden of opioid abuse and overdose deaths is substantially higher in Appalachia than other areas of the U.S. Since 1996, an increasing number of programs have provided the opioid antagonist naloxone hydrochloride, the method of choice to reverse the potentially fatal respiratory depression caused by overdose of heroin and other opioids (CDC, 2010). Community coalitions, law enforcement, concerned friends, families and good Samaritans alike have each asserted that naloxone’s virtually untapped potential to save lives is enormous. Adding further standing, naloxone is on the World Health Or ganization’s (WHO) model list of essential medicines and is described as, a safe drug with a low risk of serious side effects and that any adult capable of learning basic life support can also learn to recognize an opioid overdose, and administer naloxone in time to save lives. Another benefit is that naloxone is extremely cheap; available at less than $2 a dose in many countries Conversely, access toShow MoreRelatedCritical Issues Of School Counseling Essay1576 Words   |  7 PagesCritical Issues in School Counseling: Drugs in Schools Drugs within schools have been and continue to be a prevalent problem in our school systems; it is a problem that affects all ethnicities and social economic statuses, making this a significant issue. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Bullying And Its Effect On Children - 1153 Words

Introduction Bullying is a kind of abuse that is acted to hurt someone , either emotionally or physically. In early age , children repeat some actions again and again intentionally to hurt someone and irritate other people through those actions or hit someone again and again for the same purpose. In fact , that is bullying [Tom McIntyre (Dr Mac ) and Alexis Franks (N. D. )] . In 3-4 year olds, bullying is considered intentional. There are three to four kinds of bullying into early age and we can identify the signs of bullying (especially parents ), reasons of the identified signs can also be searched out by parents, and there are some steps through which we can over-come bullying because if parents don t stop bullying into early age of their children, bullying will increase with growth of that child [Kim Storey, Ron Slaby (2013 )] . There are too many problems of bullying, such as stereotyping, which is one of the major issue that will occur if parents don t control their children in early childhood. Children can also grow to hate some relations when they grow up and always see negativity in those relations. For example, a child in his early childhood, whose name is Chris, hits his cousin Rena and bites on her arms because she plays with his toys. Chris may carry this hate from now till the time he grows up and by then he will only see negativity in Rena and would hate her forever. That is if his parents don t change his perception of Rena while he s still in the earlyShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of Bullying on Children1344 Words   |  5 Pages Bullying in schools is believed to be a normal part of school life, however, when people begin to have this mentality, they forget that bullying is physically and psychologically harmful to both the bully and the victim, therefore, bullying must be eradicated from schools by raising awareness and increasing supervision. The act of bullying or the fear of being bullied underlies almost everything kids do these days. No longer can students leave the gossip and self-doubt at school and go home forRead MoreBullying And Its Effects On Children1413 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Bullying is considered to be aggressive behavior that is repeated or has the potential to be repeated, over a period of time. The actions of bullying can include spreading rumors, making threats, verbally or physically attacking someone, or purposely isolating someone from a group. As children attempt to make sense of traumatic events, new behavioral problems can stem from re-experienced occurrences. Some children affected may disassociate themselves from the situations and absorb themselvesRead MoreBullying And Its Effects On Children1476 Words   |  6 Pagesseveral decades, bullying has spread significantly. It has been present all over the world for as long as people can remember. And when technology was released, it created new ways for people to communicate, which made bullying become even worse than before. Adults, teenagers, and children that are all the same are being bullied. Bullying can take form in many different ways, as well as it can affect the victim, and people ar e also able to stop the behavior. THE TYPES OF BULLYING A bullying victim canRead MoreBullying And Its Effects On Children1181 Words   |  5 PagesBullying is unwanted behavior that causes a child to feel isolated and alone. In order for an act to be considered bullying the act has to be, or be able to be repeated multiple times. Bullying can be done verbally by teasing, name-calling, taunting or inappropriate sexual comments directed at someone to purposefully upset them. Bullying can be done socially by isolating students on purpose, telling other students not to play with them, spreading rumors about students or attempting to embarrassRead MoreBullying And Its Effect On Children1528 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Bullying can happen anywhere and to anyone whether it is online or in person. It can happen at school, in your neighborhood, or while your on-line. â€Å"Bullying is when someone is being hurt by words or by actions on purpose.† â€Å"Cyberbullying is using technology - internet, email, cell phones, social media, pictures - to hurt or harm someone.† It can have a major effect on the bully and the victim both. But, bullying is not just name calling, it is also teasing, spreading rumors, leavingRead MoreBullying And Its Effect On Children1366 Words   |  6 Pagescausing this behavior. Primary school is an especially tough time for our young ones. If educators are really looking to put an end to bullying, they have to attack it from the root of the problem (Linder-Altman). What a child is wearing will not get them bullied, it depends on the bully. Making uniforms mandatory in efforts to decrease bullying, only teaches our children that the only way to be accepted is by conforming which is not what we should be pushing for. It’s important to attack the problemRead MoreBullying And Its Effect On Children1533 Words   |  7 PagesBullying can happen anywhere and to anyone whether it is online or in person. It can happen at school, in your neighborhood, or while your on-line. â€Å"Bullying is when someone is being hurt by words or by actions on purpose.† â€Å"Cyberbullying is using technology - internet, email, cell phones, social media, pictures - to hurt or harm someone.† It can have a major effect on the bully and the victim both. But, bullying is not just name calling, it is also teasing, spreading rumors, leaving someone outRead MoreBullying And Its Effects On Children864 Words   |  4 PagesKerianna Rimmer Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever bullied someone? Bullying has become a huge issue. It is occurring all across the world. There are a few different types of bullying, which I will be discussing. First, bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among children. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential of being repeated. Both kids who bully and are bullied may have serious, lasting problems. Bullying is a form of behavior in which someone repeatedly and intentionally causesRead MoreBullying And Its Effects On Children1990 Words   |  8 Pagesmore than 160,000 children miss school out of fear of being bullied, according to National Education Association estimates. Bullying takes many forms, ranging from the seemingly innocuous name-calling to the more harmful cyberbullying to severe physical violence. It happens everywhere, at all times to the most vulnerable of kids, especially those who are obese, gay or have a disability. And besides the physical, emotional and psychological tolls it imposes on victims, bullying produces adverse socioeconomicRead MoreBullying And Its Effect On Children1144 Words   |  5 PagesBullying is found in elementary, middle, and high school all around the world. School bullying occurs at similar rates such as cultures, countries and educational settings. It can take many direct and indirect forms, like physical violence, name calling, taunting, teasing, horrible rumors, and social exclusion. Since the late 90’s, several school shootings committed by the victims of the school bullying have brought media attention to the issue. First, bullying depends upon imbalance of power,

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Power, Sex, Suicide free essay sample

Nick Lane, the author, has a very big interest in the mitochondria. The book gives very detailed descriptions about the mitochondria and biological terms regarding about the mitochondria. The title â€Å"Power, Sex, Suicide† got me interested to read the book. The title relates to the book itself because the book itself talks about a bit of evolution of life, the sexual reproduction, and the process of aging. â€Å"Mitochondria – The Meaning of Life†, the subtitle, gives the general idea of what the book is about. At first, mitochondria was typically known as â€Å"The power centers of the cell† but in this book, Nick has given effort out of interest to make a book that talks more about the interesting facts about the mitochondria and how it affects the evolution of humanity. The mitochondria, isn’t just a powerhouse of a cell, it was thought to be an â€Å"independent bacteria living lives† and the name originated from the Mitochondrial Eve. We will write a custom essay sample on Power, Sex, Suicide or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The author would take us back in the past at around 2-3 billion years ago and it gives us an introduction of the whole process of the evolutionary process of the mitochondria. He would split the information of the process of the evolutionary process of the mitochondria in 7 sections where each section explains a piece of the origin of the mitochondria and how it is today. When the mitochondria were still known as â€Å"independent bacteria living lives†, the book explains about how through the process of â€Å"endosymbiosis† it was being taken into organelles and became a part of the development of where we are now. Without the mitochondria being engulfed by other single – celled eukaryotes, then life on earth wouldn’t be as evolved as it is now. From reading this book, it was in a way that if you don’t know too much about the mitochondria, you will be confused. After a few times of reading the same section of the book, you’re able to see the difference from when you were stuck in that part to where you understand what he wrote because Nick Lane likes to refer things and allow the reader to remember back from the things he’s written even if he’s introducing a new topic. His findings in the mitochondria is more detailed that what we really needed to know but it’s amazing how much effort a person can explain about a topic. The book doesn’t just talk about the biology section of it but it also talks about a bit of chemistry as well. Nick explains the term â€Å"Hydrogen Hypothesis† and it’s basically about the concept of having a bonding between two prokaryotes and made the maternal eukaryote. He also describes the ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) and how we make our energy through oxidization and reduction. We are able to understand that for the ATP, it is used as an energy currency where it helps the cells from making the nutrients and proteins to another function. The book also provides diagrams for a visual look which allows readers to understand the concept in further depth and one of the diagrams shown was the simplified representation of the respiratory chain where the diagram shown labelled where the complexes I, III, IV, and where the ATPase is. I also learned that the ATP has a decomposition of adenosine diphosphate, and phosphate. It’s to show that â€Å"muscle fibres split ATP to liberate the energy that they need to contract and relax again†. The book contains a lot of information about the mitochondria. It talks about the origin of the mitochondria, the sexual reproduction of 2 sexes and genes, and the process of aging. The world without mitochondria is like a world that’s never going to be evolved at a state like today. The book teaches and helps us understand how important it is to know about the mitochondria and how important it was for the mitochondria to be engulfed and used for organelles. Nick Lane leaves the book with a question because there’s still so a lot of information ready to be explored.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Letter to the President free essay sample

In this movie they reveal themselves to be extremely creative, literate, and thoughtful people who are trying to get something positive done. The one word that kept on coming up was community. Thats where the music began, and thats why it keeps on going. Its where the rappers came from, its where their heart still is at, and its why they are trying to change things. Many black communities are in dire need of change. Ever wonder why the people there steal and do drugs?Poor people need to eat and they need to be human. If they dont have food, theyre going to have to steal. Letter to the President explores deeply into President Ronald Reggaes policies that negatively affected minority communities and Inspired pioneer rap artists such as Grandmaster Melee Mel and Run DMS to tell the whole world about It In song. We will write a custom essay sample on Letter to the President or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then In the glamorous ass, as some people prospered and many minority communities suffered, artists such as Russell Simmons struggled to get laws overturned that targeted those minorities. It starts off by stating the reasons hip hop came about.It also shows the direct effect that politics had in the community. At times it doesnt delve into detail when it should which is probably why it put a lot of people off because they have no idea what living in poverty is only people who have an understanding of what poverty is can relate. They explain how the political injustice they faced during President Ronald Reggaes candidacy forced drug deals and police brutality. The story digs deep into the truth of how hip-hop artists, and about violence, guns, and drugs but offered people a real sense of what life was like for hem through their music.A professor from the film even quotes one of Baggies rhymes In the film and explains that what he Is saying In his poetry Is a sociological analysis of life In the slums. The Interviewees are truthful and speak from the heart about the history of hip-hop. Overall the film does a good job at explaining the history, progression, and the transformation of the genre from birth until present day. Hip-hop lovers and American history supporters alike will find Letter to the President shocking, informative, and entertaining because of the films overall deep meaning into exploring the truth behind hip-hop culture in America. Actively affected minority communities and inspired pioneer rap artists such as Grandmaster Melee Mel and Run DMS to tell the whole world about it in song. Then in the glamorous ass, as some peopl e prospered and many minority communities rhymes in the film and explains that what he is saying in his poetry is a sociological analysis of life in the slums.