Sunday, November 24, 2019

Womens Sphere - Pre Civil War essays

Women's Sphere - Pre Civil War essays Women of the mid-1800s were as a whole realizing their ability to stand apart from past stereotypes and make a difference. The pre-Civil War period was a time for women to break away form past stereotypes and change the way our country thinks forever. People like the Grimke Sisters were leading figures in many womens rights movements. They emerged from a notorious slave-owning family in the south only to lead rallies for the abolitionists movement. In 1848, a lady by the name of Elizabeth Cady Stanton led the Seneca Falls Convention. This was the first womens rights convention in all of American history. It was a stepping-stone on the way to equal rights for all women. It was an undeniable fact that women were becoming more vocal with there opinions and were precipitating change throughout the country. Sarah and Angelina Grimke were members of a wealthy southern family who rejected slavery for religious purposes. In the 1830s, they moved into a northern Quaker community where they began their fight again slavery. Their first hand experience of slavery made them popular speakers, and they soon found themselves addressing hundreds of eager listeners. At first their audience consisted mainly of women, but men became interested and soon attended the meetings. They had become the first female public speakers in America. This alone was a drastic step in the direction of change for all women. The womans sphere that was once held highly esteemed was now being torn open. Women from all over, especially the middle class, were stepping out from the shadows and made their voices heard. Even through constant criticism, the Grimke Sisters persevered and stood up for what they believed in. A group of ministers reproved the sisters for stepping outside the womans proper sphere. Sara h Grimke quickly answered by saying, the Constitution states that all men and women wer...

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